Players may play in Different Divisions in the same tournament. Players MAY NOT play for Different Teams within the Same Division in the same tournament. . I.E. A player may not play for ABC white 18U AND ABC blue 18U or any other 18U team during the same tournament
12U 10U Rule addendums will be added here
Pitcher /Catcher electronic communication is allowed. Please note that any interruption to game play due to communication issue (i.e. Ear piece not working etc) will be limited to 30 seconds and will not be considered a mound visit
Teams may have only one (1) Manager who is designated at the plate meeting. Additional Coaches are assumed, if they are on the field/ dugout. If a team has no additional Coaches and the Manager or acting Manager is not present or is ejected, leaving the team without a designated Coach or Manager, the Tournament Director shall designate a (1) parent as acting manager. That acting manager will be confined to the dugout and Not allowed on the field of play. That acting manager may NOT question or ask an umpire for explanations etc. The acting manager is there to ensure team comportment and player safety. Should that acting manager become unable to finish the game (ejection/ etc). it will result in a forfeit.
The Manager or Acting-Manager is responsible for conduct of players, staff, fans and team followers; if situations on or off the field arise the Manager or Acting-Manager shall solve the situations to the satisfaction Umpire Crew-Chief or USABF, if not the team shall forfeit.
Only Managers or Acting-Managers may question Umpires about rulings; coaches and players who disregard this rule may be subject to ejection.
14U and above 7 innings 1 Hr 50 minTIME LIMIT// NO NEW INNING
Tie games are allowed in Pool Play
No extra innings are allowed in Pool Play
Playoffs/ Championship Games Tie Breaker used for extra innings
All Games 1 Hr 50 Min no new inning except Championship Game (However we MUST have a winner-- Time is extended if tied)
No Time Limit in Championship Game
(All Divisions)
The Official Rules of Major League Baseball shall be used; the following modifications apply:
A minimum of eight (8) roster players shall be required to start a game; a 15-minute grace period from the scheduled game-time will be used, if eight (8) players cannot be fielded in time the game shall be forfeit. NO OPPOSING TEAM IS ALLOWED TO LEND PLAYERS IN AN EFFORT TO START OR CONDUCT A GAME.
Teams with 8 players shall start their scheduled game; the 9th spot in the batting order shall be left blank and results in an Automatic-Out each time the 9th spot is due to bat. If prior to the 5th inning starting (5th inning starts when the last out is made in the bottom of the 4th) the 9th player arrives on the field he shall be placed in the 9th spot in the batting order. A team that cannot field nine (9) players at the start of the 5th inning will forfeit the game.
Age Eligibility: A player’s age for participation in particular Divisions for all tournaments shall be the same as their age on April 30th in the current calendar year; (i.e. if a player is 16 on or before April 30 they are eligible for the 16u Division), same format for all Divisions.
Participation: Only the Manager, Coaches, Players, Scorekeeper and Trainers listed on the Official Team Roster are eligible to participate in the game; which includes, being on the field or in the dugout during games. Participation by ineligibles has the following penalties: Forfeit of game during Preliminary Round or Team Disqualification during Bracket Play.
Home team: Coin flip will determine home team. During Bracket Play the higher seeded team will be home team. Teams starting with 8 players automatically become the visiting team.
Uniforms: Players are required to wear a traditional baseball uniform; all jerseys must have numbers, duplicate numbers are not allowed, the manager and coaches may wear shorts, windbreakers, jackets or alternate jerseys. DRESSING ON THE FIELD OR DUGOUT WILL NOT BE PERMITTED.
Helmets: Batters are required to wear a standard batting helmet with appropriate ear-flaps. Base coaches are encouraged to wear protective headgear.
Bats: All divisions will use wood or wood composite bats.
Ruling: Players utilizing an illegal bat shall be declared OUT; runners will be returned to the base they occupied at the time the pitch prior to discovery, (all other outs recorded during the at-bat shall stand), discovery of the illegal bat must occur prior to the next batter’s first pitch.
Baseballs: Each team will provide two (2) new baseballs to start the game; (each team is responsible to return foul balls from their side of the field). USABF will provide baseballs for Championship Games.
Any Manager, Coach, Player, Scorekeeper, or Trainer ejected is required to leave the playing facility immediately. (Manager’s responsibility)
If ejected, you may not return to the playing facility until the umpires have left the playing facility; failure to obey this rule will result in suspension from the entire tournament. Confronting the umpires after completion of the game will not be tolerated. Anyone ejected will not have to sit out the next game unless he/she is ruled to do so by a USABF tournament official.
Anyone ejected a second time during the same tournament will result in suspension from any remaining games. The USABF defines a suspension as not being able to be present at any playing facility; failure to obey this rule will result in your team’s disqualification
The USABF Rules Committee may impose additional penalties based on individual circumstances.
Pitchers are not restricted to a maximum number of innings during a tournament. Pitchers moved to other positions may return to pitch; but not in the same inning. Pitchers may go to their mouth while on the dirt circle but must, in the umpire’s judgment wipe prior to touching the baseball. Failure to wiping will result in a ball to the batter and the baseball shall be replaced.
Shall be conducted 5 minutes prior to the scheduled game time. Managers are required to attend. Line-up cards shall be reviewed and approved by the plate umpire. NO changes are allowed after approval, any team members (substitutes) NOT listed on the line-up card are considered ineligible for that game. NO addition of substitutes shall be allowed after the first pitch of the game.
Teams may choose to bat both DH and EH's
If jointly agreed to, Teams may choose to substitute freely on defense
Starters may re-enter once.
One DH for any player per team; the DH is a starter. If entered at a defensive position the DH is terminated.
One EH per team; the EH is a starter. The EH is treated as a free-sub who bats; if the EH is placed at a defensive position then the player being removed from the field becomes the EH; they switch designations; the batting order does NOT change.
Example: The EH is batting 4th; a DH is used for the pitcher (batting 7th); later in the game the EH is put in to pitch. Ruling: The original EH becomes the pitcher and continues to bat 4th, the original DH or pitcher (manager’s choice) becomes the EH and continues to bat 7th - they switch designations; this particular move also terminates the DH.
Teams using an EH (10 player line-up) must finish the game batting 10 players; if a player is injured or ejected and the team does not have any substitutes the EH may play a defensive position; each time the injured or ejected player’s turn at bat is reached an out will be recorded. Teams must have 9 defensive players on the field to continue playing; if not, they forfeit the game.
Time shall be called; inform the plate umpire, no pitches are necessary.
Courtesy runners may be used for the pitcher and catcher at any time; any player not in the game at that time or if a team has only the minimum number of players (9/10) then the player who made the last out shall be the runner, courtesy may not be removed from the bases to pinch-hit.
Playoffs/ Bracket Play: 2 hour time limit and run rules apply. Play until you have a winner. Tie Breaker used in extra innings or after 1 hr 50
Championship Game: No Time Limit Tie Breaker in extra innings
if a Playoff game or Championship Game is "ALL TIED" and the game is called due to weather or daylight and the subject game cannot be made up during tournament timeframe the WINNER will be selected based on the number of LOWEST RUNS ALLOWED during POOL PLAY
In the case of inclement weather a game will be considered completed if the “home” team is ahead after 3.5 innings or 4 completed innings played. The score at the time of completion will be the FINAL score.
Game “time” commences at first pitch.
Time limit is reached and the team at bat is behind; Ruling: finish the inning or any portion needed for the home team to go ahead, if the score is tied after completing the inning it shall be declared a tie. All ties will count as a 1/2 win and 1/2 loss.
Team protesting a game shall do so by submitting a $100.00 cash protest fee to that days tournament headquarters where a prompt decision will be made by USABF officials after gathering the necessary facts. Money will be returned to team filing the protest upon winning the protest.
Official Book will be keep by Home Team - If NO book provided buy home team, officaial score will default to Umpires ruling regarding final or reported score.
A $145.00 credit will be given for any game NOT receiving a FINAL score due to inclement weather or field closure. Refund Policy only applies to teams NOT receiving event game guarantee.
In the event of any confusion, conflict, or disagreement about any rule or regulation included herein; the rules committee will make a ruling that is final and binding.
Two teams:
Head-to-head: If teams did not play each other, least runs are allowed. If still tied, Run diff Max 8/ game. A coin flip will determine the end result if still tied.
Three or more teams: The team with the greater number of actual games won will have tie breaker over teams with multiple ties.
Least runs are allowed. If still tied, Run diff Max 8/ game. A coin flip will determine the end result if still tied.. The end result will be determined by a coin flip. Additionally,
IF odd number of teams:
In the event that a division has an odd number of teams, and one team has played one game less or more during preliminary play, winning percentage will be a determining seeding factor, along with RUNS ALLOWED.
Ties will count as half win and half loss.